About Krista

Hello and thanks for stopping by this page to learn more about me.  I am Krista Ziobrowski.  I am a regular 50+ wife and mom living in a suburban community outside of Saratoga Springs in upstate NY.  I have been married to my husband, Michael, for 19 years.  We have an 18-year-old daughter, Marlie, and a Norwegian Elkhound named Aspen.

I am a network marketing professional and have been around the block with several different companies and niches.  It think in this industry, that is just part of the journey and you learn something from every endeavor.

I was exposed to Park Lane Jewelry and fell in love with the product immediately.  They have very classy pieces that are totally my style and the quality is amazing.  I also fell in love with the customer perks which make the most expensive pieces totally affordable.

I became a Park Lane Jewelry Stylist in May 2023 and did over $1,500 in sales my first month.

If you love jewelry, empowering others and making extra money, I encourage to listen to your gut.  Partner with me and my team and we will help you build a successful business with customers that love you and a team that is inspired.

To Your Success,
Krista Ziobrowski